Doing Whatever it Takes to Build Great Futures

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What is Keystone?

Keystone is the Boys & Girls Clubs premier teen club, which provides leadership development opportunities for young people ages 14 to 18. Through Keystone, youth participate in activities which focus on academic success, career preparation, and community service. With the guidance of an adult advisor, Keystone Clubs aim to have a posititve impact on members, the Club, and community.

Our Keystone Club concentrates on teen readiness for the future, through volunteering, money management classes, college and career guidance, and much more.

Our mission

To promote character and leadership qualities among teens. As well as making an impact in the areas of community service, academic success, career preparation and teen outreach.

Our 4 Core Areas

Academic Success
Keystoners are taught the value and importance of graduating on time. Boys & Girls Clubs promote learning and set a high value on education with a vision for ensuring that Club members who graduate from high school are ready for college, a trade school, the military or employment..

Community Service
Keystoners are taught the value of being a contributing citizen, and are allowed to experience the satisfaction and benefits derived from helping others while serving their Club and community. Service opportunities in the Club show youth that they have the power to act on these impulses to build a better world.

Teen Outreach
Each Keystone Club is responsible for helping to drive teen engagement and recruiting efforts into their Club

Career Preparation
Keystoners are exposed to different careers and given the chance to receive an in-depth understanding of the education required for specific careers. They are encouraged to explore various vocational resources, colleges and job fairs that will equip them with the necessary knowledge to make informed career choices.


Keystone Advisors:

Keystone Teen Advisors

Primary Contact

(551) 341-6204
[email protected]